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Total 4807
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Total 4807
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Total 4594
Most viewed items #
ID: afbd4374-a391-4dbf-81bf-5e360205819f - Isitshikitsha and izangoma dances. A comparative study. 242
ID: 8e7385b7-b049-4a6e-a638-ce8c1976c7b4 - Exploring Music Performance Practices in the Zimbabwe Republic Police 161
ID: 07d49d50-5843-456f-b72d-a875165e0b94 - Gender involvement in instrument playing: a case study of the Salvation Army brass band 152
ID: a09df73d-72d7-4252-a673-1fbef7eb48c6 - The challenges facing the music industry in Zimbabwe: a case of the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe 135
ID: 97f43ccb-95e7-4bfb-af25-bef801aaf70f - Preserving the nyunganyunga mbira tunes through teaching and learning of performance using Sibelius 7 126
ID: d558473e-c238-416d-b3c4-3804e3ad87cf - A collection and transcription of Ndandanda dance songs of Nkayi district 97
ID: dc83d659-919e-4849-a9cc-93787befbd49 - Use of Ndebele indigenous melodic, harmonic, rhythmic and textural features in Ndebele contemporary choral music composition. 97
ID: 9221aa10-08c8-48f2-8343-fccc79289e86 - The use of vulgar lyrics by Zimdancehall artists in some of their songs: a survey carried out in Gweru, Midlands, Zimbabwe. 93
ID: 34ce884d-9812-4125-98ad-ee70648feeb3 - A collection, transcription and analysis of the traditional Jakwara songs of the Karanga people in Dorset area of Somabhula 88
ID: db5469e2-4d7e-4e2c-a284-024f90c745cc - An appraisal of Rodwell Samkange a choral composer in Zimbabwe 86
ID: 4510e556-ed5f-4629-af47-3a85e0939ae0 - The national anthem: A mirror image of the Zimbabwean identity? 85
ID: 298a8054-8f9c-4b89-8f87-3ae3c4222cab - A study of matendera traditional dance of the karanga people of Matsveru, Chivi 84
ID: 01f463a2-e201-4446-b2fa-1b24b00d1aba - Thomas “Mukanya” Mapfumo and Songs of Protest in Colonial and Post-Independence Zimbabwe 80
ID: 913734bb-c794-4430-971b-d0fb865f726b - Hegemony and Music in The Pre-Colonial, Colonial and Post-Colonial Zimbabwe 79
ID: 3d07d7fc-6eb7-484a-b3f5-fac309bbc255 - Portrayal of Zimbabwe's Socio-Economic Struggles through Winky D's Zimdancehall Soundscape 78
ID: dfb67dc0-e4c0-4b85-841e-045d2305841d - Zimbabwean copyright law and its effectiveness in protecting composers’ intellectual property rights. 78
ID: ee2650f8-07dd-4d19-9f6a-6d410e3e2ff2 - Children’s game songs and rhymes 76
ID: 0003b7a1-1927-44a6-8e09-664ca2aa2285 - Handina mweya unotongwa nemadzinza: Perceptions and Reflections on the Stewardship of Musikavanhu through Guardian Spirits 75
ID: 2aa3952a-2685-484b-b8e6-b41a566ce54a - The implementation of intellectual property rights to enhance music business in Zimbabwe: Challenges and prospects 75
ID: a218bfaf-7854-4630-8394-1f6a636b2cf5 - A collection of children’s game songs for use in teaching of recorder to beginners 75
ID: 329bf3ce-5186-4d23-b80c-8b1185f54ae1 - Music as a medium for communication, education and information dissemination: enhancing resilience among urban dwellers in Zimbabwe 69
ID: afe3e772-4cfa-4034-a6b9-a2db228a1835 - The adaptation and development of Jiti for popular music performance in Zimbabwe 69
ID: 05ac2dc7-b465-454d-9a26-5b0e7e0450f3 - Sungura music’s development in Zimbabwe: the emergence of trendsetters, emulators and copycats 66
ID: 3a9e3aa2-ac5b-426e-b057-7cc9ef2b64e0 - The impact of the colonial legacy on music performance, focusing on the Zimbabwe Republic Police Band. 65
ID: 86003d34-34fd-4c5c-b6ce-e509acf6dc72 - Acceptance of contemporary songs in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe liturgy: Ruwa section, Goromonzi 65
ID: 8d7ffcf2-0eed-406e-b9e4-6014f4160463 - An Ethnography of setapa music of the Basotho in the context of holoba pula rain making ceremony 65
ID: 5167cd1a-00fc-4ea8-a207-a52372be5177 - “Wanondishuwira hupenyu hunokunda hwawo.” The Financial Plight of Zimbabwean Popular Musicians 64
ID: dfcb264f-7f53-413c-9ddc-8df7c54c2df5 - The decline of mbira performances in families: a case study of Mhuri yekwa Gumira of Zihute kraal in Murehwa 64
ID: 05c4be57-2157-442a-8a4a-ba76f85e916e - Popular culture in contemporary Zimbabwe Towards fostering a national cultural identity through music performance 63
ID: ce922fed-6569-4feb-9285-f8e269ba925a - Perceptions and reflections on popular music in Zimbabwe today. 63
ID: e9dc2135-dfa1-4178-8339-63d3cbcf2586 - “I Am Not a Church Person!” Gendered Cultural Politics in the Portrayal of Fungisai Zvakavapano-Mashavave on Social Media in Zimbabwe 62
ID: de9b526d-1bca-424a-b71b-8cb347bbd4df - A study of Karanga bride welcoming ceremony songs. 61
ID: e0781b04-781f-441c-8fb2-d2ef3a910591 - Portrayal of Identity and Otherness in Tocky Vibes’ Song ‘Binga’ 61
ID: 67214aee-c200-492b-bad4-965b4a772e71 - A collection and transcription of Chishawasha songs of the Roman Catholic Church Mass 60
ID: 6c6af943-1cc5-4c37-949f-f2ec43d71178 - A survey on the uptake of software and hardware resources for music production in Zimbabwean contemporary music 60
ID: 5b90ae95-04fd-4610-86a9-7eeec3938899 - Enhancing the learning of subtraction concepts through songs to grade two pupils at Gwenzimukulu primary school 58
ID: 9b0174a8-c5d3-4d77-8edf-d5cbf93387b2 - The challenges of teaching traditional dance in four Gweru urban former group ‘A’ Primary schools. 58
ID: ab637a3f-5435-4492-9526-dd5241d026d8 - In search of meaning: an analysis of VaRemba songs in the context of their Komba rite of passage ceremony 58
ID: cc5e6c65-527a-4348-8e6a-353034c616c7 - Pursuance of academic music studies by popular Zimbabwe musicians 58
ID: 453e450f-7685-4a0f-b042-348e401f8aa2 - Mbira dzavadzimu and its space within the Shona cosmology: tracing mbira from bira to the spiritual world 57
ID: c2f8fee1-ba9c-4187-894e-7d56b9cda995 - The study of the sungura musicians at Diamond Studios: challenges and proposals. 57
ID: 0951cfc6-697e-4f37-ab78-f3179f0919b4 - An ethnography of the hogwana traditional marriage ceremony and tjigubhu dance and songs of the Bakalanga people of Sigangatsha Village in Matobo Matabeleland South Province of Zimbabwe. 56
ID: 7ab2cf33-e40b-4960-9824-6b944ef61054 - Exploring the Big Four production styles and the recording industry in Zimbabwe 56
ID: 978f99d5-5891-4c47-bc1b-e9eb68e0fea5 - Nhare mbira in rainmaking ceremonies of the Zezuru of Nharira Hills in Zimbabwe 55
ID: 1148ff61-e84b-4f7e-8b48-2b2cbaa264b7 - Kashaura karimba” innovation and hybridization of mbira Instrumentin Zimbabwe: the birth of Karimbashauro 54
ID: e8e918ef-1b5f-40b1-93e7-2003c3139353 - Developing the skill of note interpretation in choral music-an action research carried out with the Masvingo Teachers College Choir. 53
ID: fce29fc8-26a3-497f-af90-1706c39e9bd0 - Ethnographic film and the teaching of African music: a technological approach of representing past musical hegemonies 53
ID: 256d67b7-a6f9-41b9-95d3-31a86bcfb4f8 - Archiving the cultural legacy of mbira dzavadzimu in the context of kuriva guva and dandaro practices 52
ID: 5bbba3df-5304-4689-930f-2b2e928839f5 - Ngoma yembira, the source of inspiration and spiritual power for the Zezuru people of Zimbabwe 52
ID: 64dcc098-8b65-4db8-8d8f-74c63b7bdc73 - Zimbabwean societal perceptions of the depiction of women in Matavire’s two love songs. 52
ID: 3845cacd-f421-42e4-b170-f5c487680913 - The role of music performed during Komba girl initiation ceremony of the Lemba people of Zimbabwe. 50
Total 3898

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0001 39 13
2023 2288 192608151 212972198 110 825
2024 02 127157345569 86197884430 141448 3386
2025 98412 73000 0000 00 583
Ever 4807