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Most viewed items #
ID: cecc5daa-212c-48bf-a0bd-2e88861c1eff - Dimensions of democracy and digital political activism on Hopewell Chin’ono and Jacob Ngarivhume Twitter accounts towards the July 31st demonstrations in Zimbabwe 144
ID: 3b9574db-4bdd-4e1c-af0a-0ceb722a736c - Social Media and Elections in Zimbabwe: Twitter War between Pro-ZANU-PF and Pro-MDC-A Netizens 116
ID: 0b5d29a6-66f4-4258-a227-1538f481b935 - Social media and the COVID-19: South African and Zimbabwean Netizens’ response to a pandemic 92
ID: 90abcb73-a0b4-4de9-b6d7-e535482098b6 - Experiences of female journalists in Zimbabwean male-dominated newsrooms 88
ID: 1a7fc0ee-76b1-442c-9f42-dc74224a7bdd - Dynamics of elite power and the clash of media reform agendas in contemporary Zimbabwe: Paper presented at the Conference for Journalism Educators held on the 24th-28th of October 2009, Wits University Johannesburg SA. 84
ID: 8962f6fb-2896-42b0-8676-d549e4117e48 - The interface between football and ethnic identity discourses in Zimbabwe 84
ID: e081129c-84f8-42f4-8a1e-d0ac97e82321 - Social commentary, subaltern voices and the alternative medium of Zimdancehall music: unpacking the music of Winky D and Sniper Storm 78
ID: 58025dec-5f75-471e-9de3-b501d22b4ed9 - Fighting for survival: persons with disabilities’ activism for the mediatisation of COVID-19 information 76
ID: ad6cbbea-c541-46bd-b316-5f2b70390182 - Discourses of power and counter-power in the Zimbabwean politico-religious communication in online news media 68
ID: e1ef60b8-2d0c-4dfb-825b-c5cee8f68919 - ‘Political gladiators’ on Facebook in Zimbabwe: a discursive analysis of intra-Zimbabwe African National Union -PF cyber wars; Baba Jukwa versus Amai Jukwa 68
ID: e1fea096-5a8b-4f6f-9cd1-7874ab674d34 - The decolonial turn: reference lists in PhD theses as markers of theoretical shift/stasis in media and journalism studies at selected South African universities 68
ID: f9ab482e-f478-47c9-970e-9be51e3b4ec0 - "Community newspapers underreporting the environment.”: the case of the Times and the Sun newspapers in the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. 68
ID: fe05859f-b141-4c35-b0fc-532002b26abe - Locating Sembène’s mégotage in Zimbabwe’s kiya kiya video-film production 68
ID: 5b9f8935-855c-40b0-a692-d4ef2ec67465 - Media, big men and power struggles in football bodies: framing the impasse between the ZIFA and PSI leadership in selected media 66
ID: d660d89c-dd4c-4a89-ac3d-8cf2ce0b3048 - Theoretical paradoxes of representation and the problems of media representations of Zimbabwe in crisis 66
ID: f15c6300-8d7d-4705-8011-22776dc97080 - From ‘African Cinema’ to Film Services industries: A Cinematic Fact 66
ID: 5b644e07-6150-4124-9173-272f4f57a577 - The Broadcasting Services Act (2001): an instrument for the development of community broadcasting in Zimbabwe?:Paper presented at SACOMM conference held from 28 to 30 September 2015 at AFDA Cape Town Campus 65
ID: e5e8fbf1-aee3-4cc9-98a5-3e9d6be86c85 - Rethinking news values and newsroom practices in postcolonial contexts and the construction of subaltern identities 65
ID: 69b00bac-66f6-4251-9617-50bd77d74ee4 - Naming the ghost: self-naming, pseudonyms, and identities of phantoms on Zimbabwean twitter 64
ID: c30df50e-65c5-47af-912c-c36b6ce292e8 - Organizational communication strategies used by Unki mines for community engagement and development 62
ID: 7ccaa87f-3da4-42bb-b92b-92cdd31c8c66 - Digital age as ethical maze: citizen journalism ethics during crises in Zimbabwe and South Africa 61
ID: 667d4597-af42-437b-89fc-cd5698d3d7de - The interface between western and indigenous signs in Zanu-PF advertisements for July 2013 elections 60
ID: 781fc8b8-752e-42ba-a75b-1b617f1fa295 - What Is in a Song? Constructions of Hegemonic Masculinity by Zimbabwean Football Fans 57
ID: 447c818e-9f5f-4525-a898-8acddfd30299 - Corporate social responsibility as an invention of public relation: a case of Econet and National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) 56
ID: ada29bce-dfeb-44f9-8ff5-82de85bfbaa4 - Aesthetic of innocence: experiencing self-filming by the San of Zimbabwe 55
ID: 833b4ca6-d65a-45e4-bf13-c3057e6217cb - The birth, operations and demise of Zimbabwe Inter-Africa News Agency (Ziana) 54
ID: c38b4551-f68a-4d9f-b285-77263dac7486 - Effectiveness of Organizational Communication channels used by Hwange Colliery Company to communicate with its Publics to enhance corporate reputation. (2010-2012) 54
ID: 26f33839-6e4e-4d3f-b470-f4ba95d884aa - Riding the riddim: rethinking the culture industry thesis in the economic and aesthetic production of Zim dancehall music 53
ID: 66760b73-4bd8-4aa2-8ccd-d97fbb08bab5 - Uses of new technologies by Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) Public Relations Department in Managing their Corporate Brand 53
ID: 9de351c3-776c-4f1f-b4bb-bf38764dc16e - `Bhora Mugedhi Versus Bhora Musango': The interface between football discourse and Zimbabwean politics 53
ID: aa96bfb5-6e08-4d11-9346-794c9054dd5b - The place of the visually challenged in mainstream media: The Zimbabwean case 53
ID: 6050801d-0fa3-471e-828d-3f31f601bb4a - A social-semiotic engagement with representations of President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai in The from June 2008 to July 2013 52
ID: b141f0f8-44b6-4fbd-a127-c93dfe09223a - Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems in the Zimbabwean media industry and the debate on self-regulation 52
ID: 9c44473f-f216-49ac-bef6-bcbca0b79e0d - The Herald and Daily News’ framing of the leaked Zimbabwean draft constitution and Vice President Joice Mujuru’s fall from grace 50
ID: 98372b91-ac18-4a00-b7d7-334d94222b82 - State interference, para-politics and editorial control: the political economy of ‘Mirrorgate’ in Zimbabwe 49
ID: f84de890-6fa6-49f2-97d6-8c800a8eeb5e - The fallacy of participation in behaviour change programming: the case of Gweru Women AIDS Prevention Association (GWAPA), Zimbabwe 49
ID: 70ed9593-d197-41d3-9164-611c4bd0351e - The role played by music in promoting peace and unity in East and Southern Africa: the case of Zimbabwe and Kenya. 46
ID: e09fde9c-c696-448d-ad84-469ecad7674b - Reflecting on the conference 46
ID: e0db643c-d645-4146-ab90-5d939c9a2e0c - “I Am as Fit as a Fiddle”: selling the Mugabe brand in the 2013 elections in Zimbabwe 46
ID: 7782b074-20a1-4770-a9ed-dd9487daae54 - Technologising the village agora: how tele-centres set-up in rural areas insert the global in the local 44
ID: 83122c0c-8498-4847-8ced-b834ec4b8528 - Can Highlanders FC break the jinx? Contesting press discourses on Highlanders FC’s nine-year failure in the ‘battle of Zimbabwe’ 43
ID: 9bfa1e37-bd35-48a4-aa1c-09a4ed2d46ce - Commercial imperatives and their implications on the community newspaper group: the case of the times and Masvingo star 43
ID: a7ed8a27-acb8-42a6-9214-cb2d25874bd5 - Practices and approaches of corporate citizenship by Public Relations (PR) department at Nestle Zimbabwe to enhance corporate reputation from 2010 to 2013 43
ID: 0d21ff40-8e43-4236-978a-a3915b3d5aee - Zimbabwe's popular music industry and copyright legislation 42
ID: 8cbb8354-f20a-4ffd-9c36-a6a7db0d2fed - A research agenda for political in Africa : the case of Zimbabwe 42
ID: e66034fb-a5ca-45b9-9942-10e0dab20d66 - Church and politics in Zimbabwe: appraising the role of the Catholic owned political magazine ‘Moto’in the fifty years under African hands 41
ID: 1c229fe2-21b0-49b7-a289-66065e890c6e - Language and the (re)production of dominance: Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) advertisements for the July 2013 elections 38
ID: 12a94d49-a57e-4d3f-97b6-80d033423742 - Assessment to “communication strategies used by world vision to alleviate poverty in Nkayi community” 2014-2015 37
ID: 9a09599f-4d45-4b09-adb1-54c346ebf96d - ‘What a peaceful campaign!’ The peace discourse as ZANU-PF’s legitimacy seeking tool in the July 2013 election 37
ID: 3ff40f71-a9a9-49ea-8c34-04e4d76e8852 - Legitimising the Status Quo through the writing of Biography: Ngwabi Bhebe's Simon Vengayi Muzenda & the Struggle for and Liberation of Zimbabwe 36
ID: 98671c7a-f0fe-4ab8-9fde-9ec327b3b132 - An assessment to the use of Facebook as a communication tool by Midlands State University students from 2012 to 2013 36
Total 3037

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2023 930 90476228 14325486 00 452
2024 00 4489152323 68117592371 101612 2469
2025 77268 45000 0000 00 390
Ever 3322