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Title: Teacher educators' perspectives about the relationship between research and teaching in South African Universities
Authors: Mutemeri, Judith
Rajendra, Chetty
Keywords: Teacher educator; student teacher; perspective; research and teaching.
Issue Date: 2013
Series/Report no.: European Journal of Academic Research;Vol.1, No. 2; p. 62-75
Abstract: The major aim of the study was to examine teacher educator perspectives about the relationship between research and teaching in South African universities. The research question that guided the study was how teacher educators viewed the relationship between research and teaching in South African universities.Consistent with the chosen postmodern qualitative paradigm we used phenomenology as the strategy of research. The main epistemological assumption was that the way of knowing reality was through interacting with teacher educators in order to understand their point of view regarding the relationship between research and teaching in South African universities. Twenty six lecturers purposively sampled participated in the study. An interview was the main tool for data collection and Holliday's (2007) thematic approach was used for data analysis. Data revealed that there were two main points of view that emerged. On the one hand was the view that there was a relationship between research and teaching while on the other hand was the view that research should be separated from teaching. Despite the conflicting debates it was suggested that teacher educators as the generators of knowledge should be on the cutting edge.Research provides an added dimension to teaching and allows the development of a collaborative relationship between lecturer and students within a learning community.
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