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Title: Industrial waste minimisation through material and energy recovery: the case of Hwange power station, Zimbabwe
Authors: Jenya, Baldwin Anesu
Keywords: Industrial waste
Waste management
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess industrial waste minimisation through material and energy recovery at Hwange Power Station, Zimbabwe. This project is significant in that it will divulge the opportunities of boosting power output through the use of industrial waste. Most industries in the country are facing challenges in waste management and the nation at large is suffering from power shortages. A detailed descriptive study was undertaken to unveil the potential of boosting power output whilst sustainably managing industrial waste. Random sampling was employed targeting all employees involved in the power generation activities. Thirty percent of each department was sampled randomly to satisfy a true reflection of the entire population. The research administered 200 questionnaires which is approximately 30% of the entire population directly involved in the core waste generating activities. The 200 questionnaires were distributed to all section at a 30% basis. Out of the 200 questionnaires that were administered, a total of 182 were successfully completed and returned in time for data compilation giving a response rate of 88.5%. The researcher incorporated the qualitative and quantitative research design and used direct field observations, interviews and questionnaires as primary sources of data. Secondary data was acquired from existing literature so as to boost and support the research findings. The main findings of the research divulged the types and quantities of waste from power generation activities, the effectiveness of the current methods of waste management and the definitive degree of waste management through material and energy recovery at Hwange Power Station.The main findings attained from the research revealed that energy and material recovery are essential methods of industrial waste management as well as an opportunity for boosting power output. It is therefore recommended that Hwange Power Station consider investing in energy recovery so as to boost power output at the same time sustainably managing waste.
Appears in Collections:Master Of Science In Safety Health And Environmental Management Degree

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