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Title: The challenges of teaching traditional dance in four Gweru urban former group ‘A’ Primary schools.
Authors: Sibanda, Haleluja
Keywords: Teaching.
Former group ‘A’ Primary schools.
Traditional dance.
Issue Date: Jun-2015
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: The study focuses on the challenges teachers are facing in the teaching of traditional dance in primary schools. The study focused on four former group ‘A’ schools of Gweru urban. The study showed that schools have challenges in the teaching of traditional dance. The challenges ranged from lack of resources, lack of qualified personnel, lack of funding, lack of workshops, lack of documented literature on dance to teachers not implementing the music syllabus among others. The study spelt out that besides lack of resources, there is a negative attitude by stakeholders towards teaching traditional dances. Despite the challenges, if music teachers and music scholars unite, traditional dance will continue to survive in the schools. Traditional dance represents who Zimbabweans are and music scholars and teachers should fight for its preservation. Due to lack of literature, the study has endeavored to prescribe some dances and show their respective attire, props and instruments. Videos with different traditional dances to aid educationists have been attached.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Music And Musicology Honours Degree

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