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dc.contributor.authorTakabvirwa, Litah-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to develop the skill of note interpretation in choral music. The research was qualitative in nature which prompted the researcher to use an Action Research as there was a problem which she wanted to solve. The focal point was on three research questions which the researcher formulated. Observations were done to identify where most choirs fail when interpreting notes in choral music. Questionnaires and interviews were administered to the choir coordinator and the choristers who were sampled out from the choir. Twenty four choristers were used to fill in the questionnaires and twelve choristers for the interviews. The selection of the sample of choristers was done using the stratified random sampling. Major elements in music were outlined that choristers should be familiar with in order to come up with the correct not interpretation. These elements affect in some way, how the song will sound. The study pointed out that each note is approached differently. The study also revealed the effectiveness of using instruments and group works in the interpretation of notes in choral music. Recommendations were also outlined on what choir coordinators and choristers should in order to come with the correct note interpretation. Notation comprises of many aspects that other researchers can help to give light on that the researcher has not touched.en_US
dc.publisherMidlands State Universityen_US
dc.subjectNote interpretation.en_US
dc.subjectChoral music.en_US
dc.subjectAction research.en_US
dc.titleDeveloping the skill of note interpretation in choral music-an action research carried out with the Masvingo Teachers College Choir.en_US
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Appears in Collections:Bsc Music And Musicology Honours Degree
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