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Title: The functional relationship between non-monetary rewards and employee motivation among employees at city of Harare
Authors: Simon, Anna
Keywords: Employee motivation
Industrial psychologists
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: Employee motivation has become a major concern among industrial psychologists and human resource management practitioners thereby creating a need of finding ways to motivate employees. In light of the above, the purpose of this study was to explore on the relationship between non-monetary rewards and employee motivation among employees at City of Harare. This is in a bid to address the antecedents of the observed cases of absenteeism, late completion of tasks, poor service delivery, substance abuse, high staff turnover, resignation and negligence. To realize the objectives of the study a correlational study was administered at City of Harare and self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data. The study consisted of 305 participants who were randomly selected from all the six departments using stratified random sampling and convenience sampling. Analytical tools employed include descriptive statistics for demographic characteristics and Pearson’s product moment correlation to calculate the correlation between non-monetary rewards and employee motivation. The results found were as follows, r = 0.38, P< 0,01 suggesting a weak and positive relationship between non-monetary rewards and employee motivation and that the association of the two variables has a medium effect. It was also found that non-monetary rewards have an effect on the motivation and engagement of employees however there are other factors like leadership style, organizational climate and the structure of work which might also affect employee motivation.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Psychology Honours Degree

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