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Title: The effects of motivation, self-esteem and attitude on the academic performance of primary school children: a case of Pfupajena Primary in Chegutu
Authors: Veremu, Rufaro. M.C.
Keywords: Motivation
Academic performance
Primary school children
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: The poor levels of academic performance have been a cause for concern. Children in primary schools have not as been successful in achieving world class education, hence this study so the need to examine the effects of motivation, self-esteem and attitude on academic performance. The objectives of this study were to assess the relationship of the above variables and make recommendations using the ecological approach. This research was informed by the positivism philosophy. A quantitative research approach and correlation research design were also applied in this study. A sample size of 100 pupils in grade 6 from Pfupajena primary school calculated through a Sample Size Calculator by Resolution Research was identified using stratified random sampling. Data was collected using questionnaire and document analysis. The reliability of the instrument was tested using Cronbach’s Alpha and the result was 0.561 and 0.661. The data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 was used for data analysis and presentation and Pearson correlation at the significant level of 0.05 was used in order to determine the relationships among the measured variables. The major findings were (1) there is a correlation between motivation and academic performance. (2) There is a correlation between self-esteem and academic performance (3) there is a correlation between attitude and academic performance (4) the higher the academic performance is the higher the motivation, self-esteem and attitude vice versa. The researcher concluded that there is a strong positive relationship between motivation, self-esteem, attitude and academic performance. Recommendations were made on the methods of teaching, parenting supervision, students’ perception of themselves and on future studies to be conducted.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Psychology Honours Degree

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