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Title: The effectiveness of anti- poaching strategies on Zimbabwe’s tourism sector: a case study of Zambezi National Park
Authors: Mpofu, Petronella Sibusiso
Keywords: Anti-poaching
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This research assessed the contribution and effectiveness of the antipoaching strategies on Zimbabwe’s tourism sector. The main objectives were to identify the antipoaching strategies in Zimbabwe and at Zambezi National Park, to evaluate Zimbabwe’s tourism sector, to assess the feasibility of the antipoaching strategy and to determine if these antipoaching strategies were effective on Zimbabwe’s tourism sector. The research collected data from selected residents and from the staff from Zambezi National Park. The general conclusion was that the antipoaching strategies were indeed effective in promoting the tourism sector of Zimbabwe although there was room for improvement since poaching continued to persist in the country hence affecting tourism. Recommendations brought forward to improve the impact of antipoaching strategies on tourism included the engagement of donors, penalty increment on poachers, use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and the full engagement of the citizens.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Science In Politics And Public Management Honours Degree

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