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Title: Effectiveness of workplace wellness programmes on Accident prevention in the Mining Industry: a case of Pretoria Portland Cement, Collen Bawn Mine, Zimbabwe
Authors: Chineka, Munashe
Keywords: Mine accidents
Occupational health
Accidents prevention
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: Mine accidents are one of the major contributors to occupational health problems faced world over. Various initiatives have been rolled out to deal with mine accidents including implementation of workplace wellness programs as a way to reduce and prevent accidents. This study assessed the effectiveness of the workplace wellness programs in accident prevention. The researcher identified wellness programs implement at PPC and analyzed the trend and differences in accident levels between groups with and without wellness program. Employees’ perception about wellness programmes towards accident prevention was also assessed. The study employed a triangulation methodology for data collection. This included both qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments to achieve the study objectives. Study findings revealed that employees perceive workplace wellness programs effective in accident prevention. The results also revealed that there are significant differences in accidents between clusters which were subjected to wellness programs and those which were not. The research thus concluded that wellness programs are effective in accident prevention.
Appears in Collections:Master Of Science In Safety Health And Environmental Management Degree

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