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Title: The effects of computer assisted auditing techniques and tools (CAATTS) on performance and effectiveness of internal audits: a case study of National Oil Infrastructure Company of Zimbabwe private Ltd.
Authors: Sunhwa, James
Keywords: Computer technology
Internal audits
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This research report sets out to understand the effects of computer technology on the effectiveness of internal audits using a case study of NOIC Zimbabwe The main objectives of the study were to establish the relationship the applications of computer technology as well as the relationship between computer technology and the effectiveness of audit internal audits. The researcher used descriptive and analytical research designs and the sample size was 20 respondents and the data was collected by use of questionnaire method. Secondary sources were also used. The study revealed that the majority of the internal auditors used computer applications (CAATs) in auditing and that if individuals who effectively understand these applications are involved in auditing, effective audit reports would be produced reflecting a true and fair view of the statements. This implies that more efforts should be attributed to computer technology because it influences the effectiveness of internal audits to a large extent as compared to other factors.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Commerce Accounting Honours Degree

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