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Title: An investigation into the role of diagrams in problem solving in mathematics at form four level at Chifedza high school in Chivi district
Authors: Magwenzi, Godfree
Keywords: Problem solving
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This study which was conducted at Chifedza High School in Chivi District of Masvingo Province of Zimbabwe sought through a survey and quasi experimental, to investigate the role of diagrams in problem solving in Mathematics at form four level. The exploratory approach was chosen to guide the methodology of the study because of its pragmatic nature and ability to produce desired, practical, workable and more justifiable results. One secondary school in the district was visited for the study. Teachers, formal and non-formal students were visited for the study. The actual study sample consisted of twenty five formal form four students, five non-formal students and ten mathematics teachers drawn from the Mathematics and Science departments making a total of forty respondents and informants. Students were subjected to two tests and a questionnaire. Teachers completed a questionnaire. All the questionnaires had closed and open-ended questions to supplement the quantitative data. Data was presented in tables and graphs. Data was analysed through the Z-test for comparison of means. Qualitative data from open ended sections of the questionnaires were analysed by first noting frequencies of each response, categorising the responses and then finding the emerging themes from the responses. Results of the study revealed that in general students performed better in diagrammatic problems than word problems. In particular, teachers and students appreciated the role of diagrams in problem solving in mathematics. Quantitative results confirmed that students performed better in the second test where diagrams were used. There was low performance in the first test where word problems were used, an indication that diagrams play a pivotal role when solving problems in mathematics. The conclusion of the study was that diagrams helped learners to solve problems in mathematics. It was also concluded that teachers should incorporate diagrams in problem solving in mathematics and learner centred approaches are essential in helping learners understand the problem, devising plans and strategies, implementing devised plans and strategies and reviewing and reflecting solutions. It was from these conclusions that recommendations and proposals were made in this study. It is strongly anticipated that if the recommendations are implemented, then the role of diagrams in problem solving in mathematics can be fully realised and appreciated.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Education in Mathematics

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