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Title: Nurturing social accountability in urban councils the case of Norton town council.
Authors: Tswatswa, Primrose Chengetai
Keywords: Corruption
Social accountability
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: Norton Ton Council has over the past two decades plagued corruption and mismanagement by both elected and non-elected officials. Resultantly service delivery has been has been very poor as the interests of the residents are cast aside. The study therefore focused on the nurturing of social accountability at Norton Town Council. The study sought to examine and assess the extent to which social accountability was being promoted at the local authority. A descriptive research design was used using qualitative research approaches since the research required a better understanding and need to get a dimension of human expression and experience. Primary data for the research was obtained from semi structured interviews and questionnaires which were used on 50 of the target population that included council employees and residents. Secondary data was gathered from internet sources and council archives. Data was analysed using thematic analysis mode. The target population was selected using the non-probability sampling techniques like purposive, convenience and simple random sampling. Research findings indicated that Norton Town Council was finding it difficult to nurture social accountability. This was evaluated and measured on how the town Council applied social accountability mechanisms like budget reviews, periodic elections, and community score cards among others. The findings suggested feelings of overwhelming discontent among residents about the service delivery they were being offered by the municipality. Residents highlighted issues of corruption, conflict between elected and non-elected officials, lack of resources and central government influence as one of the major causes that were undermining the nurturing of social accountability at the town Council. The research recommends increased information accessibility to residents so that they are aware of what will be happening at the Council. There is also need to train officials at the council on social accountability since the majority of them were not aware of the phenomenon. Thus, inevitably they were finding it difficult to nurture it.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Local Governance Studies Honours Degree

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