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Title: The impact of promotional strategies on market share and profitability of telecommunication Industry: case of Netone cellular (Pvt Ltd)
Authors: Gunde, Collen
Keywords: Organisational profits
Market share
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: Promotional strategies are fundamental tools towards increase of organisational profits and ultimately shareholders wealth. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the impact of promotional strategies on market share and profitability in telecommunication industrial with reference to Netone Cellular. The sample of the study included customers, employees and management, during the period between 2013-2016.To achieve the purposes of the study, and analyse the data extracted from the respondents, the researcher used descriptive method. The study concluded that sales promotion activities induce customers to consume Netone products on the market thus increasing consumption rate and the sales volume. However the strategies should not be prolonged as costs will outweigh the benefits and negatively affect the objective of aligning customer needs to shareholder values.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Commerce Accounting Honours Degree

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