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Title: Women and urban agriculture from 1980-2017: a case study of Gweru urban
Authors: Kahonde, Olga
Keywords: Urban agriculture
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This study is an analysis of the participation of women in urban agriculture in Gweru. The importance of urban agriculture has often been overlooked, thus this study sought to explain how urban has been important in sustaining livelihoods. Over the years urban agriculture has been increasing due to the socio-economic and political problems. The study examines urban agriculture and its contribution to the livelihoods of women urban farmers. The study seeks to highlight the reasons why women engaged in urban agriculture, how urban agriculture has contributed to their livelihoods of women as well as the challenges women face in urban agriculture. Urban agriculture has become a means of generating income, a coping strategy to the urban economic hardships which has been increasing. The study made use of various methods of gathering information. Interviews were used to gather information. Personal observations, questionnaires and focus group discussions were employed to gather information about women and urban agriculture. Interviews reviewed that, urban agriculture has a significant contribution to household food security for the women who practice it. Key challenges faced by women in urban agriculture have been identified and the impacts they have on agricultural production have been established. Secondary sources were consulted to fill in the gaps which were left by primary sources in data collection. The study analyses intervention strategies which have been implemented to promote urban agriculture and these strategies proved to have improved urban agriculture in Gweru. The key players for implementing strategies were the International community, the Government of Zimbabwe, the Gweru City Council, NGOs and individual initiated programmes. These initiatives include the Nyanga declaration of Urban and Peri urban agriculture, the Harare declaration of urban and Peri urban agriculture. The study analyses the effectiveness of these initiatives in promoting urban agriculture in Gweru.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Arts In History And International Studies Honours Degree

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