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Title: The level of parental involvement in early childhood development in Nkulumane B cluster in Mzilikazi district
Authors: Balanda, Nobuhle
Keywords: Parental involvement
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: Parental involvement in children’s education remains low, despite evidence that parents have a huge influence on children’s achievement. Major researchers in the field have identified many factors that may create barriers to parental involvement and also suggested the solutions. Through interviews and questionnaires this study examined aspects of parental involvement in the education of Early Childhood Education (ECE) learners in Nkulumane Cluster in Bulawayo. The study will provide schools with objective data that will allow stakeholders to identify specific and effective strategies to increase parental involvement. The researcher explored the levels of parental involvement in the education of ECE learners. Using generally a qualitative approach, the researcher investigated the impact of parental involvement in Early Childhood Education, the views of school teachers on parental involvement in Early Childhood Education and how much the parents were involved in Early Childhood Education. Findings indicated that parental involvement in their children’ education was minimal; the school environments were not conducive to active parental involvement in school activities, there was little collaboration between the school and the parents towards the education of the learners and the element of trust was lacking between the parents and the schools. The recommendations suggested for improving parental involvement included schools having multiple communication strategies to ensure effective communication between the home and school, schools having partnership programs in place, making the parents feel welcomed at schools and staff developing school administrators on parental involvement in the education of their children.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education

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