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Title: How responsive is the upgraded curriculum on the education of deaf children in Mzilikazi district primary schools
Authors: Sibanda, Nontando
Keywords: Education curriculum
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This study sought to assess the responsiveness of the upgraded education curriculum which conceptualises the total integration of learners with disabilities in the mainstream school. Special attention was given to deaf learners who by virtue of their disability have a limited comprehension and communication interface with the surrounding world. The Mzilikazi District was selected as the basis of this study by targeting specific schools known to have deaf learners. Literature was review on the basis of understanding the challenges faced in the teaching of deaf learners to comprehend the same concept as with their normal counterpart. The Salamanca Statement and 2000 World Education Forum, Disability Act and Dakar, Senegal were the key benchmark guidelines in understanding the optimum provision needed for education of deaf learners. The descriptive survey research design was used in the study. The population consisted of school headmasters, district remedial tutors, provincial psychologist, specialist teachers and regular classroom teachers. To gather data the research instruments used were observations, interviews, questionnaires and documents analysis. Data was analysed and presented using tables, bar graphs, pie charts and line graph linked with detailed description and authoritative scholarly source supporting the given analysis. The findings of the study were on Educational Needs of Deaf Learners, Education Environment for the Deaf Learners and on Challenges posed by the Upgraded Curriculum on Deaf Learners. Recommendations were also made in light to these findings.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Educational Foundations and Curriculum Studies

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