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Title: Challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in Lower Gwelo Cluster schools
Authors: Mubaiwa, Providence
Keywords: Inclusive education
Secondary schools
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This paper reports on the findings of a research study that investigated on the challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in two of the secondary schools in Lower Gwelo Cluster. The study made use of a mixed method approach .The research methodology was underpinned by a descriptive survey .The specific constructs studied were teachers and administrators .The sample was purposely drawn from 2 schools, 24 teachers and 2 heads of schools in Lower Gwelo cluster. The questionnaires were administered to secondary school teachers whereas the schools heads responded to face to face interview .Teachers were also directly observed by the researcher. Data was presented and analysed thematically using the research questions. The statistics package for social scientists (SPSS) was used to input collected raw data, process and generate descriptive statistics for presentation and statistics. The evidence pointed to the fact that teachers in Gweru district face challenges during inclusion and the challenges faced included lack of resources, lack of trained teachers, lack of clear cut policy, inappropriate infrastructure and lack of funding, large teacher to pupil ratio lack of team work and collaboration. Through the study , it has been established that the implications of the challenges result in stigmatisation and lower self-esteem among learners ,divided attention to learners , poor lesson delivery and overcrowded classes, and high dropout rate .Possible solutions were also revealed in the study and these solutions included training teachers, provision of relevant and appropriate infrastructure, provision of resources, lower teacher to pupil ratio, government to design a policy to enhance effective inclusion, facilitation of workshops and meetings to educate the teachers to enhance effective inclusion .The study made some recommendations to the ministry ,schools and teachers so as to mitigate the barriers to effective inclusion.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Education Honours Degree in Religious Studies.

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