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Title: Psycho-social and mental health challenges of youth with perinatal HIV at Wilkins hospital.
Authors: Makwaza, Rutendo Yolanda
Keywords: Children
Mood disorders
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This study has mainly been predisposed by the fact that children born with HIV are reaching in their youthful stage however they are facing so many problems in handling their status hence bringing about inconsistency in ART adherence. The fight against HIV has been ongoing for decades and it has caused a lot of havoc worldwide. The main goal of the research was to explore on the psychosocial and mental health challenges that youth living with perinatal HIV are facing. The research made use of qualitative research approach with multiple case study research design. From this research psych-social challenges that youth with PHIV are facing came to light well as mental health problems they are bound to have and these mainly included reproductive choices, stigma and discrimination, loss of job and educational opportunities, mood disorders, anger among others. Therefore it came to light that these problems can mainly be addressed mainly by the society as they offer them social support. Education should also be offered to the community so as to help them embrace youth with HIV. It is of uttermost importance that the role of psychologists be embraced in institutions that cater for people living with HIV so as to enhance their mental well-being.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Psychology Honours Degree

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