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dc.contributor.authorMawoyo, Tawanda Desmond-
dc.description.abstractThe urban councils of Zimbabwe’s local authorities have witnessed poor corporate governance for decades, as cases of lack of adherence to good corporate governance have been increasing especially after the Inclusive Government. Urban Councils are Local Government Authorities which draws their mandate from the Urban Councils Act 29: 15. The major mandate of urban councils is to champion government of Zimbabwe’s development agenda at local level. The study discovered that promotion of corporate governance is one of the functions of Mutare City Council. Corporate governance in urban councils has been necessitated by the provision of the Urban Council Act which orders Urban Councils to formulate council standing committees that oversees the activities and performance of council departments. However the role of Mutare City Council on corporate governance has been militated against by number of factors such as the controlling and intervening in local authority’s affairs by the minister of local government which has weakened Mutare City Council position of promoting sound corporate governance practises. The study used qualitative technique in the solicitation and presentation of data. In the study the researcher used in-depth interviews, questionnaires, document analysis and observations for collection of data. Thematic and content data analysis methods were adopted in the study of data analysis. Ethical considerations were also observed by the researcher in the study. The researcher concluded that it is through council’s full commitment to play it’s role of promoting sound corporate governance that it will be able to deliver better services to stakeholders hence the researcher proffered recommendations that are aimed at strengthening urban council to promote sound corporate governance practices such as embracing fully the National Code on Corporate Governance, amending the Urban Council Act so as to reduce the powers of the minister of local government and creation of council standing committee on corporate governance among others.en_US
dc.publisherMidlands State Universityen_US
dc.subjecturban councilsen_US
dc.subjectcorporate governanceen_US
dc.subjectlocal authoritiesen_US
dc.titleA critical analysis of the role of urban councils in promoting sound corporate governance in Zimbabwe’s local authorities: the case of city of Mutare From 2013-16.en_US
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Science In Politics And Public Management Honours Degree
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