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Title: The implications of ZANU PF factionalism and and Zimbabwes political economy since 2013 to 2017
Authors: Chigiji, Anesu
Keywords: ZANU PF
political economy
Issue Date: Oct-2017
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This research was an investigation into the influence of factionalism to political economics. The study was naturally focused on factional tendencies within ZANU-PF and the consequences to Zimbabwe’s political economy from 2013 to 2017. In this case, this study automatically adopted a qualitative research methodology due to its confidential nature and pre-requisition to directly interact with society and the components under investigation. The study employed a two-dimensional sample technique sequence including a simple random participants’ sample and a purposive/judgemental sampling method. In this case, the study went on to adopt all data gathering methods necessary for collecting qualitative data. The research revealed that factionalism is in fact a catalyst of economic quagmires in Zimbabwe. The study revealed that factionalism has orchestrated a policy implementation deadlock in the country and has been used to create a divide and rule scenario aiding to create a Mugabe dynasty in Zimbabwe which has further angered the general public leading to a political violent attempt by the general public to force the resignation of the incumbent Zimbabwean President. In this case, the study proposes the outright destruction of the ruling party’s ZANU-PF (factional fights), as the only possible solution to deal with factionalism and its negative impact on socio-economic development in Zimbabwe.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Science In Politics And Public Management Honours Degree

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