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Title: An investigation into the role of globalization in developing countries. A case study of Zimbabwe 2000 to 2019.
Authors: Mucherera, Takudzwa
Keywords: globalization
developing countries
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This study investigates into the role of globalization in developing countries using Zimbabwe as a case study. My central argument is that despite fundamental advances in the global set up or technological world order, the third world developmental levels still remains extremely unsatisfactory. History is repeating itself in a more advanced way. The global century has pave a way to changes in several aspects of social and economic life are changing and post-industrial shifts are unparalleled by virtue of the interconnectedness that brings together the corners of the globe. New technologies, new economic relationships, new social processes, and new political developments are all characteristics of globalization. Hudson and Lowe (2004) in a post-industrial age featured by information, innovation, finance and services. The study reveals imbalances and exploitation that characterises the world system based with the liberal market economies making globalization a present which is absent that is a process bringing about myth of mutual benefits in the new village. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters” Benjamin Franklin. The study is qualitative in nature. This was ideal given that the research sought to understand experiences of developing in the global village in the period under study. Oral interviews, focus group discussion and complemented by written documents.
Appears in Collections:Master of Science in International Affairs Degree

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