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Title: Assessment of antimicrobial use and prescribing practices among pediatric inpatients in Zimbabwe
Authors: Olaru, Ioana D.
Meierkord, Anne
Godman, Brian
Ngwenya, Crispen
Fitzgerald, Felicity
Dondo, Vogai
Ferrand, Rashida
Kranzer, Katharina
Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance
Antimicrobial consumption
Antimicrobial stewardship
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Series/Report no.: Journal of Chemotherapy Vol. 32; No. 8
Abstract: This study aims to assess antimicrobial consumption in the pediatric department of a tertiary care public hospital in Zimbabwe. Clinical records of pediatric inpatients admitted to Harare Central Hospital over a 3-week period were reviewed prospectively. Antimicrobial consumption was described as days of therapy per 100 inpatient days (DOT/100 PD). Adherence of antimicrobial drug prescriptions to the National Guidelines was also evaluated. A total of 121 (93.1%) children were prescribed at least one antimicrobial out of 130 children admitted. The median age was 14 months (IQR: 3 – 48 months). Overall antimicrobial consumption was 155.4 DOT / 100 PD (95% CI 146-165.2). The most frequently prescribed antimicrobials were benzylpenicillin, gentamicin and ceftriaxone. Prescriptions were adherent to national guidelines in 57.7% of children. This study shows that there is high antimicrobial drug usage in hospitalized children in Zimbabwe and a considerable proportion of prescriptions are non-adherent with national guidelines.
ISSN: 1120009X
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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