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Title: “Land reform costly” : Zimbabwe land reform negation discourse in the print media
Authors: Jakaza, Ernest
Keywords: Controversy analysis
Subjectivity in news
Land Reform Programme
Negation discourse
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Routledge
Series/Report no.: Language Matters : Studies in the Languages of Southern Africa;Vol.50 ; No.1
Abstract: The Zimbabwean land reform programme’s inception and impact have been studied from various disciplinary perspectives chronicling and profiling its negatives and positives. However, very few discourse-linguistic studies have been carried out on this topic, even though the media is evaluative in its reporting of relevant news. The media’s digestion and subjectivity in news reporting is well documented, making objectivity in news reporting a “myth.” The dichotomisation of news reporting is evident in state and private newspapers. This study is an appraisal and controversy analysis of negation and affirmation discourse realised in private and state print media in Zimbabwe. Though it is known that the private media is a mouthpiece of opposition political parties, evaluations of negation discourse on the Zimbabwean land reform programme have not been carried out. The study appraises the use of negation discourse in the Zimbabwean independent print media and questions whether the media’s projections are controversial and/or myths.
ISSN: 1753-5395
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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