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Title: Contribution of conservation agriculture to soil security
Authors: Mugandani, Raymond
Mwadzingeni, Liboster
Mafongoya, Paramu
Keywords: Conservation agriculture
Soil security
Sustainable development
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: MDPI
Series/Report no.: Sustainability;Vol. 13; No. 17
Abstract: Soil securitization is increasingly becoming a quintessential currency for attaining sustainable development given the mounting global concerns of land degradation, loss of biological diversity and associated ecosystem services, climate change, food insecurity, and water stress. A well-functioning soil is a panacea to address these global concerns. This paper describes the contribution of conservation agriculture (CA) to biological diversity protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation, ecosystem service delivery, food security, and water security as a potential entry point for soil securitization. Using a review of literature, we share some insights into the contribution of CA to the soil security discourse. In our review, we also make key recommendations for good practices under each soil security pillar. Thus, we conclude that empirical research is required to deepen our understanding of the benefits of CA in soil security, especially in developing countries
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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