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Title: Coping strategies used by adolescents in Chikanga 3 raised in families characterized by domestic abuse
Authors: Dandatu, Obey
Keywords: adolescents
domestic abuse
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: There is no way in which adolescence can be called simple time in life. Adolescents feel like they can last forever, think they know everything and are quite sure about it. At the same time they move through seemingly endless preparation for life. Nonetheless adolescence is a period of storm and stress worse still living in a house infected by domestic abuse. Social services professions are more frequently identifying children who witness and raised in families charecterised by domestic abuse as victims of that abuse.The research expands coping strategies for adolescents raised in families characterized by domestic abuse. Several literatures were reviewed and a variety of behavioral, emotional, cognitive and social coping strategies were discussed. The research limitations were poor responses from participants and the study delimitation. The research design the phenomenological approach which is the blue print used to guide the implementation of a research study towards the realization of its own objectives was planned.Primary research was use to collected first-hand information. Purposive sampling was used to collect primary data from a sample size in chikanga 3. The response rate was encouraging. Data was analyzed in themes and presented in tables. The researcher however found out that adolescents use quiet a number of coping strategies to over come domestic abuse. . The effects found were depression, poor peer relations, poor attachment with parents and drug use and these effects lead to poor academic performance. The researcher however recommends the government and the non-government to integrate their efforts to illegalize spouse abuse. Press statements, campaigns, workshops, picket, handouts and symposium to inform parents about coping strategies adolescents should use. The researcher also recommends ensuring participation of children and respecting their views.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Psychology Honours Degree

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