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Title: Factors enhancing e- government service gaps in a developing country context
Authors: Mahlangu, Gilbert
Ruhode, Ephias
Keywords: E-government
E-government services
Service gaps
Developing country
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Cornell University
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of the 1st Virtual Conference on Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development;p. 422-440
Abstract: Globally, the discourse of e-government has gathered momentum in public service delivery. No country has been left untouched in the implementation of e-government. Several government departments and agencies are now using information and communication technology (ICTs) to deliver government services and information to citizens, other government departments, and businesses. However, most of the government departments have not provided all of their services electronically or at least the most important ones. Thus, this creates a phenomenon of e-government service gaps. The objective of this study was to investigate the contextual factors enhancing e-government service gaps in a developing country. To achieve this aim, the TOE framework was employed together with a qualitative case study to guide data collection and analysis. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews from government employees who are involved in the implementation of e-government services in Zimbabwe as well as from citizens and businesses. Eleven (11) factors were identified and grouped under the TOE framework. This research contributes significantly to the implementation and utilisation of e-government services in Zimbabwe. The study also contributes to providing a strong theoretical understanding of the factors that enhance e-government service gaps explored in the research model.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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