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Title: Dynamic test of flexi-bolts reinforcement system and its performance in hard rock underground mining
Authors: Sengani, F.
Zvarivadza, T.
Keywords: Yielding Flexi-bolt reinforcement system
Un-grouted Yielding Flexi-bolts
grouted Yielding Flexi-bolts
hard rock underground mining
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: CRC Press
Series/Report no.: Rock Dynamics – Experiments, Theories and Applications: Proceedings of the 3rd International Confrence on Rock Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-3), June 26-27, 2018, Trondheim, Norway, Edited ByCharlie C. Li, Xing Li, Zong-Xian Zhang;
Abstract: The Yielding Flexi-bolt reinforcement system was introduced at one of the deep to ultradeep mechanised gold mine in the year 2011. Two types of the Yielding Flexi-bolts reinforcement system were implemented: un-grouted and grouted (cement grout) Yielding Flexi-bolts. Un-grouted Yielding Flexi-bolts were then replaced by grouted Yielding Flexi-bolts. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the cement grouted Yielding Flexi-bolts. To achieve the objective of the research, both surface tests and Underground tests were conducted in order to understand the behavior and performance of Yielding Flexi-bolts. The results of the study showed that tensioning, grouting, angle of installation and corrosion were the common factors that influence the failure of Yielding Flexi-bolts. The dynamic drop test results were ranging from 50–80 kN and energy absorption ranging from 27.7–33.1 kJ. The surface pull test indicated a maximum load of 140 kN, while the underground pull test was found to range from 170–200 kN.
ISBN: 9781351181327
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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