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Title: Enabling Technologies to Facilitate Natural Product-Based Drug Discovery from African Biodiversity
Authors: Chigorimbo-Murefu, Nyaradzo T. L.
Mugumbate, Grace
Chibale, Kelly
Keywords: Natural Product-Based Drug Discovery
Drug discovery
African biodiversity
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Series/Report no.: Novel Plant Bioresources: Applications in Food, Medicine and Cosmetics;Chapter 4, pages 57-67
Abstract: Africa disproportionately bears the brunt of the global disease burden. It has the highest prevalence of infectious diseases and some of them are unique to the continent, such as tsetse-transmitted trypanosomosis. Consequently, it is imperative for Africa to find therapies to such diseases. In spite of the intellectual and scientific capacity on the continent, as well as the rich natural resources it possesses, Africa is yet to supply a drug on the market. This chapter discusses some of the platforms that will enable Africa to effectively participate in the discovery of new drug entities. The application of these technologies to natural products is explored in detail and their relevance to Africa highlighted.
ISBN: 9781118460610
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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