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Title: Novel anti-Plasmodial hits identified by virtual screening of the ZINC database
Authors: Mugumbate, Grace
Newton, Ana S.
Rosenthal, Philip J.
Gut, Jiri
Moreira, Rui
Chibale, Kelly
Guedes, Rita C.
Keywords: Malaria
Falcipain inhibitors
Virtual screening
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design;Volume 27, pages 859–871
Abstract: Increased resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to most available drugs challenges the control of malaria. Studies with protease inhibitors have suggested important roles for the falcipain family of cysteine proteases. These enzymes act in concert with other proteases to hydrolyze host erythrocyte hemoglobin in the parasite food vacuole. In order to find potential new antimalarial drugs, we screened in silico the ZINC database using two different protocols involving structure- and ligand-based methodologies. Our search identified 19 novel low micromolar inhibitors of cultured chloroquine resistant P. falciparum. The most active compound presented an IC50 value of 0.5 μM against cultured parasites and it also inhibited the cysteine protease falcipain-2 (IC50 = 25.5 μM). These results identify novel classes of antimalarials that are structurally different from those currently in use and which can be further derivatized to deliver leads suitable for optimisation.
ISSN: 1573-4951
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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