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Title: State Of Affairs In Early Childhood Development: Are We Getting There? A Case of Bulilima District Schools
Authors: Getrude Nkomo
Nomatter Manzunzu
Ntambana Primary School P. O. Box 390 Plumtree
Midlands State University, Faculty of Education Department of Educational Foundations, Primary Education & Pedagogy
Keywords: Early Childhood Development
Parental Involvement
Issue Date: Jan-2022
Abstract: The study sought to establish the status quo in the implementation of the Early Childhood Development (ECD) curriculum in Bulilima district of Zimbabwe. Focus was mostly on the availability of infrastructure, teaching learning materials and appropriate ECD staff. A mixed methodology approach was adopted in the form of a case study. The study was done in three schools with nine ECD teachers, three school heads and six parents. The schools were conveniently sampled considering their geographical location. The respondents were purposively sampled so as to get data rich responses. The study established that all the schools had ECD classrooms. However, they did not meet the stipulated requirements. It was also found out that schools were lagging behind in terms of sanitation facilities and staffing. The study recommends that more parental involvement must be entrenched in the schools so as to improve on infrastructure.
Description: Abstract
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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