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Title: Absolute and relative reliability of SCRuM test battery components assembled for schoolboy rugby players playing competitive rugby in low-resource settings: A pragmatic in-season test-retest approach
Authors: Matthew Chiwaridzo
Cathrine Tadyanemhandu
Nonhlanhla S. Mkumbuzi
Jermaine M Dambi
Gillian D Ferguson
Bouwien CM Smits-Engelsman
University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Midlands State University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Physiotherapy Department, Gweru, Zimbabwe
University of Cape Town, Health Through Physical Activity, Lifestyle and Sports Research Centre, Department of Human Biology, Cape Town, South Africa
University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Primary Health Care Sciences, Rehabilitation Unit, Harare, Zimbabwe,
University of Cape Town, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Division of Physiotherapy, Cape Town, South Africa
University of Cape Town, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Division of Physiotherapy, Cape Town, South Africa
Keywords: intraclass correlation
rugby union
Under 19
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: South African Sports Medicine Association
Abstract: Background: Schoolboy rugby is a popular sport which forms the bedrock of rugby development in many African countries, including Zimbabwe. With burgeoning talent identification programmes, the development of multi-dimensional, logically- validated, and reliable test batteries is essential to inform the objective selection of potentially talented young rugby athletes. Objectives: This study sought evidence on the absolute and relative test-retest reliability of the component test items in the newly-assembled SCRuM test battery. Methods: Utilising a pragmatic test-retest experimental design, a sample of 41 Under-19 schoolboy players playing competitive rugby in the elite Super Eight Schools Rugby League in Harare, Zimbabwe, participated in the study. Results: Physiological and game-specific skills tests which showed good to excellent relative reliability and acceptable absolute reliability, included: 20 m and 40 m speed, L-run, Vertical Jump (VJ), 60 s Push-Up, 2 kg Medicine Ball Chest Throw test (2 kg MBCT), Wall Sit Leg Strength test (WSLS), Repeated High Intensity Exercise test (RHIE), One Repetition Maximum Back Squat (1-RM BS) and Bench Press tests (1-RM BP), Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 test (Yo-Yo IRT L1), Tackling Proficiency test, Passing Ability Skill test and Running and Catching Ability skill test. Conclusion: All these tests are reliable and warrant inclusion in the SCRuM test battery for possible profiling of U19 schoolboy rugby players during the ‘in-season’ phase provided there is adequate participant familiarisation and test standardisation. The test-retest ICCs and measurement errors are generalisable to other young athletes in this population, making the tests useful for the evaluation of training and developmental effects of the measured constructs.
Description: Abstract
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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