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Title: Knowledge Management as a survival strategy to enhance competitive advantage in the Zimbabwean Tourism and Hospitality industry
Authors: Clemence Zvobgo
Orpah Onwards Chivivi
Barbra Marufu
Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe, Student Admissions Department
Business Management Department Midlands State University bag 9055 Gweru Zimbabwe
Retail and Logistics Department Midlands State University, Bag 9055, Gweru,Zimbabwe
Keywords: Zimbabwe
Tourism and hospitality
Knowledge management
Knowledge bureaucracy
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IISTE
Abstract: The Tourism and Hospitality industry has been exposed to turbulent business environment as a result of the unstable economic challenges affecting the Zimbabwean economy. .In this unpredictable environment, thinking smart creates sustainability hence the study aims to leverage the appropriateness of Knowledge management as a survival strategy to enhance competitive advantage in the Zimbabwean Tourism and Hospitality industry:The research was prompted by the observation that, despite Zimbabwe leapfrogging in the tourism sector from the time of multi currency, the country remains essentially a consumer nation with nothing to show on the knowledge based economy. The researchers used a descriptive research design to systematically examine the significance of incorporating knowledge management concept in human resource policies, culture, structure and ICT systems in the hotel and tourism sector in Zimbabwe. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The main findings are that human resources does not align its policies with knowledge management practices. Lack of knowledge management system in the ICT is affecting knowledge sharing and utilisation to take place. Bureaucratic organizational structures and individualistic or unsupportive culture are hindering the flow of information from deep smarts to novice. Poor knowledge management comes from lack of clear human resource management procedures, lack of policies for management of intellectual capital and lack of learning culture and organizational structures. The study recommends that human resources should align knowledge management with rewards, support knowledge sharing culture, teamwork and reduce bureaucratic structures .There has been a general shift from traditional information management approach whereby data with no real meaning is stored ,shared and captured. A Knowledge Officer to be used. A paradigm shift from tall organizational structures to more flatter and matrix structures so that knowledge can flow freely in the entities
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