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Title: The effect of entrepreneurship education on the students’ self-employment, empowerment, and nurturing minds for the future.
Authors: Blessed Mveku
Rosemary Guvhu
Tanaka .T.T. Mutero
Esnath. T. R Manhiwa
Eukael N. Mbuyisa
Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Keywords: Entrepreneurship education
Nurturing minds for the future
Issue Date: 29-Oct-2023
Publisher: IJRP
Abstract: The study’s main aim was to assess the effect of entrepreneurship education on the students’ self employment, empowerment, and nurturing minds for the future. The study was guided by objectives that included examining the effect of entrepreneurship education on the students’ self-employment, establishing the effect of entrepreneurship education on the student’s empowerment, and assessing the effect of entrepreneurship education on nurturing students’ minds for the future. The literature filled the gaps and showed empirical evidence. The research adopted a positivist research philosophy which was deemed quantitative. The study also utilized the explanatory research design since the study aimed at determining the relationships that exist between entrepreneurship education on students’ self employment, empowerment, and nurturing minds for the future. The target population of the study constituted 400 students at Midlands State University and was reduced to 196 making use of the sample size determination model by Krejice and Morgan. The study used a closed-ended questionnaire in the form of a five-point Likert scale. Out of the 196 questionnaires that were administered, only 160 were attended thereby yielding an 81.6% response rate. A higher response rate of 81.6% was achieved in this study as the researcher gave the respondents enough time to fill out the questionnaires. The findings of the study proved a strong positive relationship exists between entrepreneurship education (EE) and students’ self-employment (SE), entrepreneurship education was a significant positive factor in students’ empowerment and a moderate positive relationship exists between entrepreneurship education (EE) and nurturing minds for the future (NM). The study recommendations were that they should establish business planning seminars, the creation of a university career services department, and the modeling of creativity in the classroom.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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