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Title: Educator and Students’ Equity and Agency During the Pandemic: An International Perspective
Authors: Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir
Million Chauraya
Carol Hordatt Gentles
Loredana Perla
Stefania Massaro
Subhadarshee Nayak
Eunice Nyamupangedengu
Anoma Satharasinghe
Tara Ratnam
Cheryl J. Craig
Juanjo Mena
Ruth G. Kane
University of Iceland, School of Education
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education at Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Senior Lecturer with the School of Education, UWI, Mona, Jamaica
Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)
Researcher at University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)
Senior Research Fellow at the Economic Analysis Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Center
Associate Professor in Science Education and Director of the Marang group for research in Mathematics and Science Education at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), South Africa
Senior Lecturer, Department of English Language Teaching, Open University of Sri Lanka
Independent teacher educator and researcher based in India
Professor, Chair of Technology & Teacher Education, and the Houston Endowment Endowed Chair of Urban Education in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture at Texas A&M University (TAMU)
Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Education at the University of Salamanca
Full Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: Agency
Student teachers
Online learning
Issue Date: 9-Jun-2023
Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
Abstract: During the Covid-19 crisis, schools around the world at all levels had to respond to the situation most often without any preparation or time to reorganize their teaching. This chapter investigates how the Covid-19 pandemic amplified the need for equity and how teacher agency evolved through this time period. The study was qualitative and data were collected from 29 individuals from the same number of countries through narratives, and virtual interviews written responses to semi-structured questions. This chapter focuses on two main concepts: equity and agency. The authors met 18 times to work with the data, clarifying understanding of concepts, analyzing meanings, and writing up findings. Findings indicate that equity of access to online teaching and learning was a major challenge during the early stages of the pandemic lockdowns. However, many universities initiated some innovative strategies to minimize the inequities created by the migration to online learning platforms. Both educators' and students' agency evolved during the online and digital tuition provisions and made some agentic decisions that impacted their teaching and learning, respectively. During the Covid-19 pandemic, educators had much to say about their teaching online. Their experience and thinking can be leveraged in discussions about the best way forward after the pandemic experience. The mutual learning that we experienced collaborating internationally in this study points to the significance of using online facility to create and enhance solidarity among educators globally.
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