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Showing results 1 to 20 of 5655  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Apr-20181432 Tuberculosis and silicosis diagnostic crisis – a zimbabwe case series report
24-Apr-20181439 Principles of fitness for duty evaluations
2018147 Handling and disposal of agricultural chemicals on a2 farms in chirumhanzu district.32nd Triennial Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), Dublin, Ireland, 29th April to 4th May 2018
2005The 1987 Zimbabwe National unity accord and its aftermath: a case of peace without reconciliation?
Jun-2018The 19th century Ndebele state in the eyes of contemporary observers from 1829 to 1893
20142015 MDG deadline: a time to reflect on Zimbabwe’s rural local governance: case of Bulilima RDC
Oct-2018299. Geographic mediation of dose for PIERs On the Move (POM) in the Community Level Intervention for Preeclmpsia (CLIP) in Mozambique
20133-Hydroxyisoflavanones from the stem bark of Dalbergia melanoxylon: Isolation, antimycobacterial evaluation and molecular docking studies
2016A 4-fold interpenetrated diamondoid metal-organic framework with large channels exhibiting solvent sorption properties and high iodine capture
2020The 5As: assessing access to animal drawn conservation agriculture planting equipment by smallholder farmers
1-Aug-20226 Billion People Have No Access to Safe, Timely, and Affordable Cardiac Surgical Care
200979 Cybermusic, copyright issues and the democratic ‘deficit’ in Zimbabwe
25-Jun-2021A- Level Textile Technology and Design Curriculum Compatibility with Industry Requirements in Harare, Zimbabwe
30-Jun-2021A- Level Textile Technology and Design Curriculum Compatibility with Industry Requirements in Harare, Zimbabwe
2017A/Vice Chancellor's graduation address at the 17th congregation of Midlands State University- 2nd December 2017
Nov-2015Abel Muzorewa’s security force auxiliaries (SFAS) during and after the war of liberation in Hurungwe district, Zimbabwe
2015Abnormal load advisory system
2013Above ground woody biomass estimation in a communal African savanna woodland using microwave remote sensing based approach
2021Absolute and relative reliability of SCRuM test battery components assembled for schoolboy rugby players playing competitive rugby in low-resource settings: A pragmatic in-season test-retest approach
2017Academic and social experiences of visually impaired female students at selected Zimbabwean universities