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Region #
AF - Africa 8925
AS - Asia, other 5004
NA - North America 3510
EU - Europe 1157
OC - Oceania 569
SA - South America 131
Unknown Continent - Not applicable 3
Unknown 355
Total 19654
Country #
ZW - Zimbabwe 7843
US - United States of America 3381
SG - Singapore 2668
CN - China 1336
AU - Australia 556
ZA - South Africa 445
IN - India 301
DE - Germany 185
FR - France 180
PH - Philippines 170
other - Other Country 2538
Total 19603
City #
Harare 5530
Singapore 1996
Marondera 544
Boardman 451
Santa Clara 372
Bindura 291
Shenzhen 258
Beijing 221
Perth 155
Brisbane 145
other 8338
Total 18301
Most viewed items #
ID: d8fccce0-69ea-4591-b8bf-5a8d90b2ff36 - Investigating the effectiveness of debt management practices on the performance of a company: case DHL International (Zimbabwe) 1404
ID: e6d71436-4534-4ec2-9b75-b66d60bae473 - Impact of budgeting process on service delivery in local authorities in Zimbabwe: a case of Harare City 533
ID: 3c408de8-8765-492f-8a5e-535b8a562390 - Cost control measures and their impact on profitability of manufacturing companies: a case study of 272
ID: c1632a11-8dc1-4169-85d4-67a3ccb248d7 - Impact of substance abuse on savings and investment behaviour of youths in Zimbabwe: Case of Gweru high density suburbs 224
ID: d35fe2ff-e6f6-4cd5-8f18-4dbb8161c4f1 - An Analysis of the Role of Social Media on the Adoption of Internet Banking by University Students in Zimbabwe 223
ID: 8c884ea0-6576-4ad9-b778-c5a8a2e386d7 - An analysis on the impact of cost control on financial performance 203
ID: 87538d72-fa7e-4ff1-8fd3-37a709433252 - An analysis of the impact of corporate governance on the financial performance of state enterprises and parastatals: a case of Air Zimbabwe 199
ID: e733e573-f22d-43cd-8fd6-8b3b421060a4 - An analysis of the role of microfinance institutions in achieving financial inclusion in Zimbabwe 191
ID: 342fdf25-0629-4ee3-a44a-f4575867d81b - Evaluating the impact of tax knowledge on tax compliance among SME in Zimbabwe 176
ID: 73341059-e6d7-4786-90b0-f89e71b67582 - Forensic auditing of related party transactions in Zimbabwean banks to avert fraud 176
ID: 9581f1b9-66ec-4de9-8646-b79cc0b609ee - The impact of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) on financial reporting quality in public sector: case study Rushinga Rural District Council 174
ID: f8fef2ab-cbc8-4192-b927-596455524cc8 - Effect of IFRS adoption on financial reporting quality of SMEs: a case of Harare CBD 173
ID: 2f7b6c11-04e6-41b1-aeb8-4cdf7bf87f7d - Impact of internal auditing function on good corporate governance in Zimbabwe''s public sector ( 2012 -2016) 165
ID: 4865a107-d18a-49e7-b281-c0e13c585e14 - An investigation into the effectiveness of cost reduction techniques, a cost benefit analysis: case of Plus Five Pharmaceuticals 162
ID: 18d83a1f-25eb-4daf-b4fa-2c866c26ceca - An investigation on the effects of financial management practices on firm’s financial performance: a case study of Zimbabwe Power Company. 160
ID: dfd5a16c-3227-4562-9755-6b3b6e6f0ad4 - An investigation into the problems faced in construction project completion: case of department of Public Works Midlands province 158
ID: 80dc2531-aa5a-4643-b533-8b1e05072a8c - An assessment of the effectiveness of Integrated Reporting in improving financial performance of companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange 156
ID: 5153bb19-ccc3-4cc3-945c-b6497db74bae - The impact of non-compliance with accounting standards on the quality of financial reporting 155
ID: 8085f340-f451-4b5a-aa37-58349c80745a - The big four audit scandals: evaluation of adequacy of ethics component in chartered accountants training courses 154
ID: 814db51a-7417-40ea-a317-f35e0e58b25a - The impact of intermediate money transfers tax (IMTT) on performance of SMES: Case Study of Lester Systems (PVT) LTD 153
ID: 42f98281-84bc-43f1-b5b4-274a3b693a02 - Impact of debt financing on financial performance of S SMEs: A case of Statevice Pvt Ltd. 150
ID: fbcfcc0d-35f9-4496-8d71-13c2b5bf4648 - Pension fund size (Asset Size) and fund investment performance in Zimbabwe: does size really matter? 147
ID: 023f1b25-dc86-4c83-b2ed-67d32ab35416 - An analysis of tax compliance problems of small to medium enterprises in a Zimbabwe economic environment 139
ID: c0ca4f6e-a630-41ec-8546-afe25197c79d - The impact of debt finance on the financial performance of a small to medium entity: a case of Workman Zimbabwe (Private) Limited 136
ID: e1b2eb0e-cf54-48f7-ace3-6748ce49f945 - The Impact of budgeting and budgetary control on performance of Great Zimbabwe University 135
ID: e43074a4-1873-4860-9c3a-703d51ca02a8 - The Impact of Microfinance Institutions on Poverty Alleviation 135
ID: d972cdfa-b91b-430a-829e-60da8c9ba198 - Assessing the impact of digital economy taxation in revenue generation in Zimbabwe 131
ID: 40f74693-9a88-4bd1-9b4f-8923ef9330c8 - The impact of the adoption of data analytics on gathering audit evidence: a case of KPMG Zimbabwe 130
ID: e01bf1f8-9782-47f3-a314-d5bd8a0570e6 - Analysis of the impact of operational cost cutting strategies on financial performance. : a case study of Zimbabwe Alloys Chrome (under judicial management) 118
ID: d8f2b63f-6b07-4926-ab22-3d312fa22a1c - An analysis of the effectiveness accounting information systems on decision making: a case of MMCZ 108
ID: f6332368-1876-4f5c-88a2-72227f4ad78a - The impact of mobile banking adoption on financial performance: a case of Central Africa Building Society (CABS). 108
ID: ff4ad5c2-48eb-4147-9d2d-99e8007ee896 - An investigation into pricing strategies on financial performance: a case study of Old Mutual property 106
ID: 2aeecb37-a98d-4d88-b299-88c1a3c72a8a - An assessment of product performance analysis on the overall cooperate performance : a case of Delta Cooperation Limited 105
ID: b9632935-5319-46b9-a1a4-c82c79deffe1 - Analysis of performance determinants of microfinance institutions and factors affecting their performance: A case of Harare microfinance institutions 103
ID: 8b355f7b-bd61-4b73-9928-8db12cc701b3 - An investigation of the risks of using new integrated accounting information system: a case study of Zimbabwe Statistical Agency 102
ID: f47da7de-7a9a-44df-af42-c89bee3d7eb7 - The effects of non-compliance to taxation and statutory regulations on company financial performance 102
ID: 974420d7-bad1-4067-8ffa-17921ff25457 - Literature review of the relationship between E-procurement and cost reduction: 3rd International Conference on Advancing Knowledge from Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Engineering & Technology - ICAKMPET. 101
ID: d62fad27-0ddd-48cf-977f-ef69921767b0 - Analysing the impact of capital structure on bank’s financial performance in Zimbabwe 101
ID: 11e5e1f3-eaa3-4a27-a750-97725aaac6c1 - An analysis on the impact of cost cutting on profitability: A case of Freight World 100
ID: 99417e8a-7f00-47ea-a5c8-f3981a823a2f - An analysis of how AIS aid in improving financial performance and decision making 98
ID: fb160df7-64d3-4360-96f8-f643f0a5e1a0 - Evaluating financial literacy impact on business performance, the Zimbabwean SMEs experience 97
ID: fde3b41c-130e-4bb8-8438-7ff8ed4e2491 - An Investigation into Credit Risk Management on Non-Performing Loans in Microfinance Institutions. A case of Zimbabwe Microfinance Fund (ZMF) 2017 - 2018 96
ID: 255fff86-a135-4244-a78a-cf48fba190e8 - Effectiveness of internal audit on organizational performance of NGOs: case study of Hivos Zimbabwe 95
ID: 2672ddec-8fdd-44a8-a2b5-bf24cb91544c - The impact of labour force reduction on financial performance of manufacturing companies: A case study of Playtime Manufacturers (2011 – 2016) 94
ID: 6dd7bf01-7c65-4ff6-a45f-5010a13fd1a7 - The Impact of Fraud and Corruption on the Effectiveness of Customs Duties Collection: case of Zimbabwe Revenue Authority 94
ID: 3fa22f3b-1c18-4729-9bee-8b3afc3492a3 - An analysis of the effects of the audit committees on the performance of state-owned enterprises in Zimbabwe (2011-2015). 92
ID: b028d199-4887-4893-b287-b924a6df5956 - The impact of promotional strategies on market share and profitability of telecommunication Industry: case of Netone cellular (Pvt Ltd) 92
ID: cc1b2e76-5f91-4a24-9078-d1732875e991 - Effectiveness of presumptive tax system in Zimbabwe: case of ZIMRA region one 92
ID: 56cc8000-1342-421e-93ac-195f32da2d47 - The Effect Of Financial Literacy On Household Financial Decision Making In Zimbabwe 91
ID: c72067a8-b9b3-4a87-9128-6108a20e814d - Analysing the impact of budgetary controls on capital projects to the operational performance. 90
Total 8819

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0007 13567 209
2023 371565 1472616775418 174207254473 380 5363
2024 031 715118411271867 88196837932346 114327 14082
Ever 19654