ID: 5abf0ec1-8d02-4135-9a62-fa270ef77e7a - Corporal punishment in schools: issues and challenges
ID: 29c7470d-42e2-4a13-ba7f-c41dc55eea9d - Factors affecting the adoption and integration of ICT as a pedagogical tool in rural primary schools
ID: e4f4b45b-e149-40d0-bde3-e442de9911c5 - The impact of information and communication technology (ICT) based technologies in the teaching and learning at early childhood education level at riverside stimulation centre in Imbizo district in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.
ID: 799e0eb8-5898-4dc8-a04e-e5f292fe76a8 - Impact of the director`s circular no 36 of 2006 on the assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning in accounts at Ordinary Level in Mbare Secondary Schools
ID: 6cb8582a-c562-466e-bd08-b40042e6e3d8 - Factors causing low pass rate in mathematics at grade seven in Kwekwe rural district
ID: cd52ddf8-4050-4210-9885-7885526437b2 - Challenges faced by teachers in implementing inclusive education at Mgoqo primary school at early childhood level
ID: de217fcc-d5a9-40aa-8c55-eb25501d36eb - Pupils'perceptions and their teachers' awareness of continuity in mathematics instruction at the primary- secondary transition phase in gweru urban schools in Zimbabwe
ID: f05b5a3d-31ca-4258-af39-7a42485c4bce - The implementation of school feeding program : a case of Nyamuroro Primary School, Gokwe North District
ID: f7935e1a-3087-4565-b96b-6d9035de4c95 - Gender Politics and Zimbabwe Universities: Facets, Contexts, and Consequences
ID: 88e27751-9141-4fb0-bf98-0debd1cc5406 - Challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in Lower Gwelo Cluster schools
ID: e3d5af74-7d97-48a6-beb5-e141c8079714 - Gendered constructions of school headship: Of Chivi district in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe
ID: a606c854-7ba5-4e7d-ad3f-b77c0fa01ffc - Traditional children’s games: their relevance on skills development among rural Zimbabwean children age 3–8 Years
ID: 0e0b2bda-9b21-4e20-8bba-d46b8b0dd8b2 - The sustainability of blended learning in Zimbabwean state universities in the post-COVID-19 era
ID: 12152e3c-2eb9-43f9-b4e7-2b6fe304dc20 - Early Childhood Development teachers` understandings of Indigenous Knowledge and their strategies for incorporating IK in their pedagogical practices
ID: 6a8e7fab-6d76-4981-9097-bd2bc4ecf776 - Predictors of Adherence to Self-Care Amongst Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Bulawayo Central
ID: c24bd89b-63ec-422e-9d68-e266aec44e21 - An investigation into the effects of the abolishment of corporal punishment on learner behaviour in schools: A case of Epworth-Mabvuku-Tafara District, Harare Metropoilitan Province.
ID: bdb53700-e9c3-4f49-9fd0-7976011bd5ea - Standing at the crossroads: An overview of reflections on paradigms of African women’s inclusion and exclusion in the religion and gender relations discourse in Zimbabwe
ID: b93add38-619b-4284-8b2a-ac0285f30dce - An assessment into the challenges faced by students in the use of information communication technology (ICT) at primary level
ID: c4c436d3-5531-4aa7-8a6f-5a22c1390a74 - A- Level Textile Technology and Design Curriculum Compatibility with Industry Requirements in Harare, Zimbabwe
ID: d8be0cda-56ff-4e9a-a4dd-d741f02acfcb - The Third Chimurenga in Zimbabwe: articulating the achievements attained and challenges faced by female beneficiaries of A1 farms in selected districts of Midlands Province in Zimbabwe
ID: f9dadeba-9dac-4419-aeab-4d372cfdc3da - Academic and social experiences of visually impaired female students at selected Zimbabwean universities
ID: d8841423-0146-4bc1-98f7-4eed44eb248f - An evaluation of the effectiveness of safety and health control programmes in the Zimbabwean mining sector: a case study of Mimosa mine
ID: 5bad63d2-2500-460e-8799-efcc9ded00de - A critique of constructivist theory in Science teaching and learning
ID: a652040d-c42e-4d25-a4aa-6e194a1c77fa - Bachelor of education in service teacher trainees’ perceptions and attitudes on inclusive education in Zimbabwe
ID: fc576b21-7e27-481d-b4cd-98886b2cc925 - Teachers attitudes on the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of mathematics in Gweru urban selected primary schools
ID: 9cd86588-2f73-4089-8fe9-d68ab02d3689 - An investigation into the effectiveness of the Basic Education assistance Module (BEAM)in reducing dropout rate in Mberengwa District Primary Schools.
ID: d89b3d5f-0875-49ee-956b-f024f3cef429 - Cultivating change: Reflections on the changing role of the School Head in effective implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum in Hwange Rural Primary Schools.
ID: 0fd80cb2-28be-469b-ae65-b54a29b1c7a0 - A study of ways the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education is mainstreaming ZIMASSET in Secondary Schools
ID: a9d6c0de-3930-4760-a2bf-fc691ab82682 - The prevalence of child sexual abuse among secondary school pupils in Gweru, Zimbabwe
ID: ea2caf06-a14b-4f12-ae59-0d09f19624d7 - An analysis of provisions for Early Childhood Development (ECD) A and B: a case study of one government primary school in Chitungwiza district.
ID: 720cb1ed-8883-4fca-aa5a-c7598c17f0ad - What’s up with the WhatsApp application in the classroom?
ID: 7ff7f156-183c-4948-980d-a7c54663af9d - The achievements and challenges of school development committees (SDC) and school development associations (SDA ) involvement in school development in cluster 34 in Warren Park Mabelreign district in Harare province
ID: 0224492c-b278-484f-8fb8-034da319e656 - Challenges Faced by Youths in Institutional Care Centers in Their Transit to Adulthood: A Case of One Child Care Institution in Zimbabwe
ID: b9baa05c-ca8f-4cb8-b2f9-6ed1e17411b1 - An investigation into the problems faced by grade 6 learners in answering comprehension questions: A case of Zenda Primary School in Mberengwa District.
ID: 17c9652a-883b-43b6-af75-4e3c7844f6f4 - An investigation into students‟ low performance in English language at „O‟ level in Gweru Urban High Schools.
ID: 38f2d6e5-a308-4bbc-8950-41a26e60afad - Challenges faced by early childhood education learners from child-headed families in Cowdray Park schools: a case of Reigate primary schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.
ID: b3751729-9c25-4553-9f29-2845450fc09c - Preparedness for inclusive education in early childhood Development (ECD): a survey of Gweru district ECD centres
ID: 20372316-d0c5-4dff-93a0-c9147874a3fc - Challenges facing SDCs in the management of school development in Mt Darwin of Mashonaland Central
ID: 4c47559b-399a-42ec-9f40-bb14fc8304f2 - The impact of high teacher pupil ratio in rural and peri-urban government schools in Goromonzi District in Mashonaland East Province.
ID: 8c4df775-b335-4ac2-a5c6-fca6e9f3391d - An investigation into the challenges in the adoption of information communication and technology in a selected primary school in Warren Park
ID: cab33f6e-9482-494d-a2f6-c65d500c6feb - The teaching and learning of slow learners in mathematics at Secondary School level in Gweru Zimbabwe.
ID: 8d64c319-9393-4a8f-b8fb-385ed89de101 - Creating and Developing Capacities for National Healing and Peace Building in Zimbabwe Through ‘Difficult History’
ID: 12dfd681-4a36-415c-a9c8-8866bd97013e - Exploring Management Styles of University Department Chairpersons in Improving the Quality of Education in Zimbabwe
ID: 2aaba6cf-107f-45d5-9d96-339434450759 - Students' Self-Concept and Academic Achievement in Zimbabwe: A Preliminary Study
ID: 324e0b0c-34d4-4c71-8a5b-89caa42a5e21 - The impact of authoritative parenting style on children’s academic achievements in Domboshava Community. (ZIMCRODO Cluster).
ID: 65bd16e5-0449-4aee-bf23-a4bbd8fa03dc - An investigation into the challenges faced by pupils in composition writing at ‘O’ Level: a study of three secondary schools in Kadoma urban area.
ID: 35031023-0b34-4cb7-badc-1983be93775d - Confronting cyber-bullying in schools: towards developing guidelines for cyber-bullying awareness in Highfields-Glenorah district secondary schools in Zimbabwe.
ID: b2d7518a-747a-4eb6-b9e6-86498cf22ce4 - An investigation into the causes of understaffing of registered nurses in mission hospitals: a case for Mashoko Mission Hospital
ID: dc88b23a-70f2-4972-b6db-71ded0a3c208 - Factors influencing the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of O’ level geography in Chirumanzu district
ID: 7c6988c9-bea0-4572-97c7-673f34882108 - Factors leading to negative attitudes towards learning of mathematics at secondary school in Kwekwe district
ID: 8291aa1e-e604-48d3-8380-dc8904812ff8 - Teachers, parents and students perceptions towards government policy on abolition of corporal punishment : a case of Gweru urban