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Title: Parental circumstances leading to child sexual abuse in Zimbabwe
Authors: Muridzo, Noel G.
Chikadzi, V.
Mafa, Itai
Chinyenze, P.
Keywords: Child sexual abuse
Parental circumstances
Implications for social work
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Journal of Social Development in Africa
Series/Report no.: Journal of Social Development in Africa;Vol. 33; No. 2: p. 135-168
Abstract: Child sexual abuse remains one of the leading social ills of our time. It is a phenomenon that has multi-faceted consequences on children, families and the society at large. This paper discusses findings emanating from a study which explored the phenomenon of child sexual abuse in Zimbabwe. Using a qualitative approach and a case study design, the study discusses how parental circumstances are key factors that lead to the vulnerability of children to sexual abuse. The authors call for a paradigm shift from curative social welfare services in dealing with child sexual abuse, and advocate for a preventative-oriented practice that addresses macro-ecological factors that contribute to vulnerability of children to sexual abuse.
ISSN: 1012-1080
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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