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Title: Environmental social work through the African philosophy of Ubuntu: A conceptual analysis
Authors: Chigangaidze, Robert K
Keywords: African spirituality
conceptual analysis
environmental social work
Indigenous knowledge systems
Ubuntu philosophy
Issue Date: 18-Mar-2022
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Source: Chigangaidze RK. Environmental social work through the African philosophy of Ubuntu: A conceptual analysis. International Social Work. March 2022. doi:10.1177/00208728211073382
Series/Report no.: International Social Work;Pages 1 - 12
Abstract: Social work has been involved with the interactions between human beings and their environment since its inception. Environmental social work can expand the profession beyond its boundaries. Similarly, Ubuntu is the philosophy that has the potential to provide global messaging for the interactions between human beings and their environment. Utilizing concept analysis, this article endeavours to expand Ubuntu philosophy to the concept of Environmental Social Work. Notably, Ubuntu is relevant in the components of human relations to nature, food security, climate change, natural disasters, sustainable development and ecospiritual social work. Unequivocally, Ubuntu is a philosophy relevant to Environmental Social Work.
ISSN: 1461-7234
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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