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Title: Establishing the relevance of the Ubuntu philosophy in social work practice: Inspired by the Ubuntu World Social Work Day, 2021 celebrations and the IFSW and IASSW's (2014) Global Definition of Social Work
Authors: Chigangaidze, Robert K
Mafa, Itai
Simango, Tapiwanashe G
Mudehwe, Elia
Keywords: Global social work and social development agenda
IFSW and IASSW 2014 Global Definition of Social Work
Solidarity and global connectedness
Ubuntu philosophy
World Social Work Day 2021 celebrations
Issue Date: 23-Feb-2022
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Source: @article{Chigangaidze_2022, doi = {10.1177/00208728221078374}, url = {}, year = 2022, month = {feb}, publisher = {{SAGE} Publications}, pages = {002087282210783}, author = {Robert K Chigangaidze and Itai Mafa and Tapiwanashe G Simango and Elia Mudehwe}, title = {Establishing the relevance of the Ubuntu philosophy in social work practice: Inspired by the Ubuntu World Social Work Day, 2021 celebrations and the {IFSW} and {IASSW}'s (2014) Global Definition of Social Work}, journal = {International Social Work} }
Series/Report no.: International Social Work;
Abstract: The philosophy of Ubuntu has gained momentum in the social work fraternity to the extent that the theme for the World Social Work Day, 2021 celebrations read, ‘Ubuntu: I am Because We are – Strengthening Social Solidarity and Global Connectedness’. Through the use of a qualitative research approach, underpinned by a document analysis method, the article initiates a discourse which expounds on the philosophy through the lenses of the IFSW and IASSW 2014 Global Definition of Social Work. Substantially, it proffers justifications that cement the relevance of the Ubuntu philosophy in both the practice and theoretical frameworks of social work.
ISSN: 0020-8728
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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