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Title: Applications and Data Analysis Using Bayesian and Conventional Statistics in Biochar Adsorption Studies for Environmental Protection
Authors: Obey Gotore
Tirivashe Phillip Masere
Osamu Nakagoe
Vadzanayi Mushayi
Ramaraj Rameshprabu
Yuwalee Unpaprom
Tomoaki Itayama
Mattia Bartoli
Mauro Giorcelli
Alberto Tagliaferro
Nagasaki University, Japan
Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Nagasaki University, Japan
Harare Polytechnic College, Zimbabwe
Maejo University, Thailand
Maejo University, Thailand
Nagasaki University, Japan
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy
Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy
Keywords: Adsorption
Bayesian statistics
Matamba fruit shell
Mushuma bark biochar
Mupane bark biochar
Issue Date: 23-Aug-2022
Publisher: IntechOpen
Abstract: The use of low-cost agricultural waste-derived biochar in solving water and environmental challenges induced by climate change was investigated and sound conclusions were presented. Water reuse strategies can diminish the impact of climate change in rural and remote areas of developing countries. The novel biochar materials from three agro-waste biomass (Matamba fruit shell, Mushuma, and Mupane tree barks) were investigated and characterized to attest to their capacity to remove iodine from the aqueous solution. Their surface morphologies were assessed using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (FESEM-EDX) which exhibited their structural phenomena to purge environmental pollutants. The Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was conducted to show surface functional groups of the biochar materials and Matamba fruit shell exhibited hydroxyl (-OH), carbonyl groups (C=O), C=C stretches of aromatic rings, and the carboxylate (C–O–O–) groups on its surface with corresponding data from the Isotherm and Kinetic models, statistically analyzed by the conventional and Bayesian methods. These surface mechanisms are said to be induced by weak van der Waals forces and - and -stacking interaction on the biochar surface. These adsorbents promised to be potential materials for environmental-ecosystem-protection and water re-use approach.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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