Research Papers : [61] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 61
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Dec-2024Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of ICT Interventions on Teaching and Learning at Midlands State University
9-May-2024Integrative examination of the cultural impact of substance (ab)use
23-Jul-2024An evaluation of preparedness of government high schools in the implementation of the competence based curriculum (CBC) in Gweru district, Zimbabwe
31-Jan-2024Coping with gatekeeping in digitalised political participation research: a Zimbabwean experience
1-Apr-2023Coping with drug and substance abuse among the university youth in Zimbabwe: Towards a ‘quad-helix’ model
9-May-2024Perceptions of university students on the relationship between social media use and substance abuse among the youth in Zimbabwe
27-Apr-2024Productive Innovation or Disruptive Irritation: An Exploration of Stakeholder Perspective on Remote Work in the Institutes of Higher learning in Zimbabwe (A Case of Midlands State University)
2018State ‘sponsored’ elitism and rural peripheralisation in Zimbabwe
2019Getting to Grips with Gatekeepers in African Migrant Research
4-Dec-2020Excavating Blind Spots in Qualitative Research: Reflecting on a Lecturer’s Experiential past
14-Jul-2023Sponsored or Autogestive Materialisation of Space: Urban Informality in Harare, Zimbabwe
8-Jul-2023Precipitants of the ineffective labor act enforcement in Zimbabwe
28-Nov-2014Employees’ reactance and survival strategies in an underperforming Zimbabwean parastatal
2013The competitive advantages of organisations in Zimbabwe’s hospitality industry: A case of two organisations
2014Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation in Zimbabwean State Owned Enterprises: A Case of Institutionalized Predation
12-Jul-2013Rethinking pro-active disaster planning in the workplace: The case of a selected mine in Zimbabwe
Jun-2020Developments and Changes Adversely Affecting Trade Unions in the Hospitality Industry of Zimbabwe
12-Aug-2020Organizing Challenges Faced by Trade Unions in the Hospitality Industry of Zimbabwe
Feb-2017Precarious employment as survival strategy: An emerging reality in Zimbabwean hotels
2014Employee Engagement and Organisational Performance in A Public Sector Organisation in Zimbabwe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 61