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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 61
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Self versus employees’ Appraisal of managers’ emotional intelligence: the case of Gweru and Kwekwe city councils, Midlands Province, Zimbabwe
2016Workplace romance: rationale for human resource practitioners’ intervention. a case of a local authority in Zimbabwe
Aug-2007The effectiveness of urban agriculture as a survival strategy among Gweru urban farmers in Zimbabwe
2006Putting them in their place: “respectable” and “unrespectable” women in Zimbabwean gender struggles
2007Stressors and coping strategies of state university students in a developing country
2010Evaluating older persons’ perceptions on their quality of life in an old people’s institution: a Zimbabwean case study
2011The meaning of institutionalisation to older Africans: a case study of a Zimbabwean old people’s home
2011"Small houses": disruptions or re-ordering sexuality in Zimbabwe?
2012The migration experience and multiple identities of Zimbabwean migrants in South Africa
2013Survival strategies of Zimbabwean migrants in Johannesburg
2011A review of the challenges and survival strategies of University workers during the economic crisis: a case study of the Midlands State University (MSU) workers in Zimbabwe
2014Understanding the social exclusion of Zimbabwean migrants In Johannesburg, South Africa
2014Zimbabwean migrant entrepreneurs in Kempton Park and Tembisa, Johannesburg: challenges and opportunities
2010Just Joking? investigating sexual harassment in a departmental store in Gweru, Zimbabwe
2012Emotional intelligence (EI) and effective leadership: a case study of a mining company in Zimbabwe
2012Contagion or calculated rationality? rethinking crowd behaviour in the xenophobic killing of Farai Kurijichita in Diepsloot Township, Johannesburg, South Africa (January 2011)
2015The uses of social capital among Zimbabwean migrants in Johannesburg
2013Enhancing customer service through employee engagement in the service sector: a comparative study of a hotel and a tour operator in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
2010Nationhood and women in postcolonial African literature
2015"When in Joburg relatives show their true colours": the changing role of the family as a source of social capital among Zimbabawean migrants in Johannesburg
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 61